Our campaigns have made a significant impact across various communities. Here are a few highlights:
Be A Hero
Go Media worked closely with Addiction Prevention Coalition and Jefferson County Department of Health to create a strategic, high-impact media campaign with powerful messaging. The Be A Hero campaign that was created for this outreach has two primary objectives with one main goal:
Encouragepeople to register for Jefferson County Department of Health’s online NarcanTraining and remind the community that opioid use and overdose occurrences continue to be atepidemic level numbers in Jefferson Countyand across Alabama.With theuse of data,we were able to target areas of high overdoseincidentsand deaths. Usingdigital and social media as well as outdoor advertising outlets, this campaign elevatedawareness on the presence of Fentanyl and its deadly impact.
Goal: Increase the number of residents who became trained to administer Naloxone andthrough education and awareness, reduce the number of opioid related overdoses and deathsin and around Jefferson County.Be A Herohasrun yearly in Alabamasince 2021. Reaching millions of peopleandregisteringhundredsof people for onlineNaloxoneTraining.Thiscampaignhas been reproduced inmultiple marketsacross the countrydue to itspowerful messaging and successful track record
Celebrate Safe
Celebrate Safe” is a targeted digital and social media campaign aimed at reaching both students and parents during pivotal times of celebration…Spring Break, Prom and Graduation. Our mission is to highlight the dangers of underage drinking with students while encouraging parents to have meaningful conversations with their kids about choosing not to drink. This campaign runs March through June and gives organizations access to high quality messaging and production allowing the majority of their budget to reach more young people and parents.

Detroit YEA
Working with C.L.A.S.S. Agency and 313 Hope Detroit, a division of the City of Detroit’s Health Department, the Detroit Youth Empowerment Awards were created with the goal of maintaining positive contact with Detroit youth when physical contact was limited. YEA’s first year was a huge success, receiving support from Detroit’s Mayor Duggan, city council members, state representatives, the faith-based community, Detroit Public Schools Community District and youth organizations across the city. Mostly noting the positive impact this program has on the young people that have been spotlighted. Created in 2020, YEA is now in its 5th year and over time has accumulated hundreds of nominations, reached millions of people with social media, grass roots outreach, traditional media and peer to peer engagement. Now with nearly 30 YEA Award alumni, still sharing their experience and stay involved. Some awardees have described the YEA experience as “life-changing” and the first time they’ve felt recognized. The Go Media team says that “our family gets bigger every year” because of the Detroit Youth Empowerment Awards. We’re so honored to be a part of them each year.

Winner Highlights
2020 Mayor Duggan Introducing Community Impact Winner, Stephan Perez
2021 Winner Highlight – Quintin Love – Community Impact Award Winner
2022 Khyana Community Impact Award Winner
2022 Winner Highlight – Dolores Perales
Television Promos
2021 :30 Second Promo
2022 :30 Second Promo
Social Norms
Social Norms is an important part of Prevention and Awareness. Go Media has worked with many organizations with the goal of educating young people on the self-reported levels of substance use by their peers in their own communities. Using local survey data Go Media draws out key points and creates impactful messaging to increase awareness of the actual percentages of specific substances being used by their peers. In Social Norms campaigns, we also like to congratulate parents when high levels of discussions and education are reported.